Brain Center nieuws
'Doctors, teach children how to participate'

"Ask a child about what he is doing, what he likes and what he wants to achieve. The input of young people and their parents is crucial," UMC Utrecht Professor of Paediatric Rehabilitation Medicine Jan Willem Gorter argued in his oration on 8 November. He urged colleagues not to think in limitations but in possibilities. "We doctors can help increase children's autonomy and ease the transition to adulthood," he said.
Read moreBrain maturation in congenital heart defects

Better treatment is enabling doctors to save the lives of an increasing number of newborn babies with serious congenital heart defects.
Read moreStem cell therapy for brain damage in newborns

Research shows that brain damage in newborns can be safely treated with stem cells.
Read moreBrain-computer interfaces for paralyzed people

A research consortium led by the UMC Utrecht Brain Center has been awarded a grant of nearly 6 million euros by the European Innovation Council. With the funds, the researchers want to develop fully implantable Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) technology for people with locked-in syndrome (LIS).
Read moreVeni grant for UMC Utrecht researcher

Mariana Pedroso Branco will work on brain technology for children with communication problems.
Read moreOpening the blood-brain barrier with sound waves

The blood-brain barrier is the brain's natural protective mechanism. Dutch researchers, including experts from UMC Utrecht, are trying to open this barrier temporarily and safely. They are doing so in an innovative manner, namely with the help of sound waves. By temporarily opening the blood-brain barrier, drugs can reach the brain more easily and brain disorders may be better treated.
Read moreNynke Boonstra appointed full professor

UMC Utrecht has appointed Nynke Boonstra as Professor of Nursing in Mental Health, effective February 1, 2022. The chair, which falls under the strategic program Brain, is a unique collaboration between the Faculty of Medicine of Utrecht University and educational institution GGZ-VS. 'If we scientifically substantiate the intrinsic value of the work of nurses, it will be taken seriously.'
Read moreVeni grant for two researchers at UMC Utrecht

NWO has awarded 78 promising young scientists a Veni grant of up to 280,000 euros.
Read moreStudy of psychedelics against depression completed

The British company COMPASS Pathways has announced the results of a large-scale international study on the effect of psilocybin against treatment-resistant depression. The results show that psilocybin, the active substance in certain mushrooms and truffles, can help some patients.
Read moreHow stem cell therapy can repair brain injuries in newborns

A new stem cell therapy which stimulates the brain’s own healing power appears to be a breakthrough in repairing brain damage in newborns.
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