Summer Schools 2019
Child Health will be hosting several Summer Schools during this summer. The aim is to introduce global child health among young doctors and master students and to stimulate working in an international environment.
Translational Medicine: Doing the Right Research Right uitklapper, klik om te openen
7 July - 12 July 2019
This Summerschool tackles the intrinsic difficulties of effective translational medicine in rare and orphan diseases and is meant for early stage researchers with an interest in this field. With this Summer School course you will not only obtain insight in how science really works, but more importantly, you will acquire knowledge on how to be a successful translational researcher yourself. This course is specifically not about learning how to ‘play the game’, but about understanding that there is a game going on, what the rules of the game are and to be able to transcend it. Course director: Prof.dr. Berent Prakken.
Child Health: A Global Perspective uitklapper, klik om te openen
8 July - 12 July 2019
The summer school will provide a comprehensive overview on perinatal and child health in a global perspective. A case-based learning system is used. This course is a collaboration between Global Child Health research groups of the Amsterdam Medical Center and the University Medical Center Utrecht and will host a wide range of (international) experts in the field of Global Child Health.
Course director: Prof. Louis Bont.
Paediatric Sport and Exercise Medicine uitklapper, klik om te openen
15 July - 19 July 2019
Exercise is Medicine for healthy children as well as for children with chronic disease. This course will give a thorough introduction in paediatric sport and exercise medicine.
During this week we will summarize the current evidence regarding clinical pediatric exercise physiology and the role of exercise as medicine. Moreover skills will be practiced regarding anthropometrics, exercise testing, and test interpretation. We will also give a workshop about how to measure physical activity. Course director: Dr. Tim Takken.
Human Intestinal Organoids and Application in Cystic Fibrosis uitklapper, klik om te openen
15 July 2019 - 19 July 2019
This course will allow you to learn basic and advanced culturing techniques of human intestinal organoids. We will focus on functional measurement of fluid secretion by the forskolin-induced swelling assay, and its use in the field of cystic fibrosis research, diagnostics and personalized medicine. This course is comprised of meeting experts and patients, hands-on bench work, and demonstrations. At the end of the training participants will have basic knowledge of organoids and their applications and are able to culture human intestinal organoids as well as to perform FIS assay experiments.
Course director: Dr. Jeffrey Beekman.
Reproductive & Maternal Health: A Global Perspective uitklapper, klik om te openen
15 July - 19 July 2019
This summer school will provide a comprehensive overview about women’s reproductive and maternal health around the world. Topics discussed in this course represent critical health challenges and strategies to improve reproductive and maternal health outcomes.
This course is organized by the UMC Utrecht / Wilhemina Children's Hospital ( in collaboration with the Dutch Working Party for Safe Motherhood and International Reproductive Health ( Course director: Prof.dr. Kitty Bloemenkamp.