
prof. dr. M. (Miriam) Koopman

prof. dr. M. (Miriam) Koopman

Full Professor

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Research Output (219)

Clinical Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of the Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Inhibitor Panitumumab in the Treatment of Colorectal Cancer

Ketzer Sander, Schimmel Kirsten, Koopman Miriam, Guchelaar Henk-Jan Apr 2018, In: Clinical Pharmacokinetics. 57 , p. 455-473 19 p.

Prognostic value of primary tumour resection in synchronous metastatic colorectal cancer:Individual patient data analysis of first-line randomised trials from the ARCAD database

van Rooijen K L, Shi Q, Goey K K H, Meyers B.J., Heinemann Volker, Diaz-Rubio Eduardo, Aranda Enrique, Falcone Alfredo, Green EP, De Gramont Aimery, Sargent Daniel J, Punt C. J A, Koopman M Mar 2018, In: European Journal of Cancer. 91 , p. 99-106 8 p.

Bevacizumab-based first-line chemotherapy in elderly patients with metastatic colorectal cancer:An individual patient data based meta-analysis

Koch Christine, Schwing Anna M., Herrmann Eva, Borner Markus, Diaz-Rubio Eduardo, Dotan Efrat, Feliu Jaime, Okita Natsuko, Souglakos John, Arkenau Hendrik T., Porschen Rainer, Koopman Miriam, Punt Cornelis J.A., de Gramont Aimery, Tournigand Christophe, Zeuzem Stefan, Trojan Joerg 13 Feb 2018, In: Oncotarget. 9 , p. 10272-10283 12 p.

Nationwide comprehensive gastro-intestinal cancer cohorts:The 3P initiative

van den Braak R. R. J. Coebergh et al. 1 Feb 2018, In: Acta Oncologica. 57 , p. 195-202 8 p.

Health-related quality of life in rectal cancer patients undergoing neoadjuvant chemoradiation with delayed surgery versus short-course radiotherapy with immediate surgery:a propensity score-matched cohort study

Couwenberg Alice M., Burbach Johannes P.M., Intven Martijn P.W., Consten Esther C.J., Schiphorst Anandi H.W., Smits Anke B., Wijffels Niels A.T., Heikens Joost T., Koopman Miriam, van Grevenstein Wilhemina M.U., Verkooijen Helena M. 1 Jan 2018, In: Acta Oncologica. 58 , p. 407-416 10 p.

Personalizing survival predictions in advanced colorectal cancer:The ARCAD nomogram project

Sjoquist Katrin M, Renfro Lindsay A, Simes R John, Tebbutt Niall C, Clarke Stephen, Seymour Matthew T, Adams Richard A, Maughan Timothy S, Saltz Leonard, Goldberg Richard M, Schmoll Hans-Joachim, Van Cutsem Eric, Douillard Jean-Yves, Hoff Paulo M, Hecht Joel Randolph, Tournigand Christophe, Punt Cornelis J A, Koopman Miriam, Hurwitz Herbert, Heinemann Volker, Falcone Alfredo, Porschen Rainer, Fuchs Charles, Diaz-Rubio Eduardo, Aranda Enrique, Bokemeyer Carsten, Souglakos Ioannis, Kabbinavar Fairooz F, Chibaudel Benoist, Meyers Jeffrey P, Sargent Daniel J, De Gramont Aimery, Zalcberg John R, 1 Jan 2018, In: Journal of the National Cancer Institute. 110 , p. 638-648 11 p.

DPYD genotype-guided dose individualisation of fluoropyrimidine therapy in patients with cancer:a prospective safety analysis

Henricks Linda M., Lunenburg Carin A.T.C., de Man Femke M., Meulendijks Didier, Frederix Geert W.J., Kienhuis Emma, Creemers Geert Jan, Baars Arnold, Dezentjé Vincent O., Imholz Alexander L.T., Jeurissen Frank J.F., Portielje Johanna E.A., Jansen Rob L.H., Hamberg Paul, ten Tije Albert J., Droogendijk Helga J., Koopman Miriam, Nieboer Peter, van de Poel Marlène H.W., Mandigers Caroline M.P.W., Rosing Hilde, Beijnen Jos H., Werkhoven Erik van, van Kuilenburg André B.P., van Schaik Ron H.N., Mathijssen Ron H.J., Swen Jesse J., Gelderblom Hans, Cats Annemieke, Guchelaar Henk Jan, Schellens Jan H.M. 2018, In: LANCET ONCOLOGY. 19 , p. 1459-1467 9 p.

Accounting for parameter uncertainty in the definition of parametric distributions used to describe individual patient variation in health economic models

Degeling Koen, IJzerman Maarten J, Koopman Miriam, Koffijberg Hendrik 15 Dec 2017, In: BMC Medical Research Methodology [E]. 17 12 p.

Clinicopathological factors influencing outcome in metastatic colorectal cancer patients treated with fluoropyrimidine and bevacizumab maintenance treatment vs observation:an individual patient data meta-analysis of two phase 3 trials

Goey Kaitlyn K H, Elias Sjoerd G, Hinke Axel, van Oijen Martijn G H, Punt Cornelis J A, Hegewisch-Becker Susanna, Arnold Dirk, Koopman Miriam 5 Dec 2017, In: British Journal of Cancer. 117 , p. 1768-1776 9 p.

Feasibility and effectiveness of trifluridine/tipiracil in metastatic colorectal cancer:real-life data from The Netherlands

Kwakman Johannes J M, Vink G.R., Vestjens J.H.M.J., Beerepoot Laurens V., de Groot J. W., Jansen R. L., Opdam F.L., Boot H., Creemers G.J., van Rooijen J.J.M., Los M., Vulink A. J.E., Schut Menno H., van Meerten Esther, Baars A., Hamberg Paul, Kapiteijn Ellen, Sommeijer D W, Punt C. J A, Koopman M. 4 Dec 2017, In: International Journal of Clinical Oncology. 23 , p. 482-489 8 p.

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