
prof. dr. M. (Miriam) Koopman

prof. dr. M. (Miriam) Koopman

Full Professor

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Research Output (219)

A cost analysis of upfront DPYD genotype–guided dose individualisation in fluoropyrimidine-based anticancer therapy

Henricks Linda M., Lunenburg Carin A.T.C., de Man Femke M., Meulendijks Didier, Frederix Geert W.J., Kienhuis Emma, Creemers Geert Jan, Baars Arnold, Dezentjé Vincent O., Imholz Alexander L.T., Jeurissen Frank J.F., Portielje Johanna E.A., Jansen Rob L.H., Hamberg Paul, ten Tije Albert J., Droogendijk Helga J., Koopman Miriam, Nieboer Peter, van de Poel Marlène H.W., Mandigers Caroline M.P.W., Rosing Hilde, Beijnen Jos H., van Werkhoven Erik, van Kuilenburg André B.P., van Schaik Ron H.N., Mathijssen Ron H.J., Swen Jesse J., Gelderblom Hans, Cats Annemieke, Guchelaar Henk Jan, Schellens Jan H.M. 10 Dec 2018, In: European Journal of Cancer. 107 , p. 60-67 8 p.

Matching the model with the evidence:comparing discrete event simulation and state-transition modeling for time-to-event predictions in a cost-effectiveness analysis of treatment in metastatic colorectal cancer patients

Degeling Koen, Franken Mira D., May Anne M., van Oijen Martijn G.H., Koopman Miriam, Punt Cornelis J.A., IJzerman Maarten J., Koffijberg Hendrik 1 Dec 2018, In: Cancer Epidemiology. 57 , p. 60-67 8 p.

Feasibility of 7-T fluorine magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging (<sup>19</sup>F MRSI) for TAS-102 metabolite detection in the liver of patients with metastatic colorectal cancer

Kurk Sophie A., Steensma Bart R., May Anne M., Koopman Miriam, Hoogduin Hans M., van der Velden Tijl A., Klomp Dennis W.J., van der Kemp Wybe J.M. 1 Dec 2018, In: European radiology experimental. 2

Tumour budding is associated with the mesenchymal colon cancer subtype and RAS/RAF mutations:a study of 1320 colorectal cancers with Consensus Molecular Subgroup (CMS) data

Trinh Anne, Lädrach Claudia, Dawson Heather E., ten Hoorn Sanne, Kuppen Peter J.K., Reimers Marlies S., Koopman Miriam, Punt Cornelis J.A., Lugli Alessandro, Vermeulen Louis, Zlobec Inti 13 Nov 2018, In: British Journal of Cancer. 119 , p. 1244-1251 8 p.

Monitoring potentially modifiable lifestyle factors in cancer survivors:A narrative review on currently available methodologies and innovations for large-scale surveillance

Derksen Jeroen W.G., Beijer Sandra, Koopman Miriam, Verkooijen Helena M., van de Poll-Franse Lonneke V., May Anne M. 1 Nov 2018, In: European Journal of Cancer. 103 , p. 327-340 14 p.

Consensus statement on essential patient characteristics in systemic treatment trials for metastatic colorectal cancer:Supported by the ARCAD Group

Goey Kaitlyn K.H., Sørbye Halfdan, Glimelius Bengt, Adams Richard A., André Thierry, Arnold Dirk, Berlin Jordan D., Bodoky György, de Gramont Aimery, Díaz-Rubio Eduardo, Eng Cathy, Falcone Alfredo, Grothey Axel, Heinemann Volker, Hochster Howard S., Kaplan Richard S., Kopetz Scott, Labianca Roberto, Lieu Christopher H., Meropol Neal J., Price Timothy J., Schilsky Richard L., Schmoll Hans Joachim, Shacham-Shmueli Einat, Shi Qian, Sobrero Alberto F., Souglakos John, Van Cutsem Eric, Zalcberg John, van Oijen Martijn G.H., Punt Cornelis J.A., Koopman Miriam 1 Sep 2018, In: European Journal of Cancer. 100 , p. 35-45 11 p.

Impact of different palliative systemic treatments on skeletal muscle mass in metastatic colorectal cancer patients

Kurk Sophie A, Peeters Petra H M, Dorresteijn Bram, de Jong Pim A, Jourdan Marion, Kuijf Hugo J, Punt Cornelis J A, Koopman Miriam, May Anne M 24 Aug 2018, In: Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle. 9 , p. 909-919 11 p.

Loss of Chromosome 18q11.2-q12.1 Is Predictive for Survival in Patients With Metastatic Colorectal Cancer Treated With Bevacizumab

Van Dijk Erik, Biesma Hedde D., Cordes Martijn, Smeets Dominiek, Neerincx Maarten, Das Sudipto, Eijk Paul P., Murphy Verena, Barat Anna, Bacon Orna, Prehn Jochen H.M., Betge Johannes, Gaiser Timo, Fender Bozena, Meijer Gerrit A., McNamara Deborah A., Klinger Rut, Koopman Miriam, Ebert Matthias P.A., Kay Elaine W., Hennessey Bryan T., Verheul Henk M.W., Gallagher William M., O’Connor Darran P., Punt Cornelis J.A., Loupakis Fotios, Lambrechts Diether, Byrne Annette T., Van Grieken Nicole C.T., Ylstra Bauke 10 Jul 2018, In: Journal of Clinical Oncology. 36 , p. 2052-2060 9 p.

Reporting of patient characteristics and stratification factors in phase 3 trials investigating first-line systemic treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer:A systematic review

Goey Kaitlyn K.H., Mahmoud Remi, Sørbye Halfdan, Glimelius Bengt, Köhne Claus Henning, Sargent Daniel J., Punt Cornelis J.A., van Oijen Martijn G.H., Koopman Miriam 1 Jun 2018, In: European Journal of Cancer. 96 , p. 115-124 10 p.

The impact of liver resection on the dihydrouracil:uracil plasma ratio in patients with colorectal liver metastases

Jacobs Bart A.W., Snoeren Nikol, Samim Morsal, Rosing Hilde, de Vries Niels, Deenen Maarten J., Beijnen Jos H., Schellens Jan H.M., Koopman Miriam, van Hillegersberg Richard Jun 2018, In: European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology. 74 , p. 737-744 8 p.

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