
Infection and Immunity nieuws

Infection and Immunity nieuws

Oct 13: 'Science is due for a Great Reset'

Young scientists are increasingly opting for careers in industry and are increasingly abandoning scientific research institutions. This is because funding agencies and employers are steering on the wrong indicators, and that needs to change, UMC Utrecht immunology professor Femke van Wijk argued in her inaugural lecture on Wednesday, Oct. 12. She called on colleagues to remain aware of the goals and values that unite scientific researchers.

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Oct 5: International food allergy research consortium kicks off

The ALLPreT project, an international research consortium to develop new approaches, tools, and assays that enable the safe introduction of novel foods, has now kicked off. ALLPreT has the objective of protecting humans from unacceptable food allergy risks. The consortium brings together 9 academic and 15 associated partners - including industry partners - from across Europe and the United States. It offers a unique opportunity to excellent early stage researchers to gain experience and skills with 10 new PhD-positions within a world class consortium.

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Sep 21: Research grant awarded to UMC Utrecht for microbiota-boosted cancer therapy


Health~Holland has awarded close to € 800,000 to a public-private partnership between UMC Utrecht, Artizan Biosciences, Inc. (USA) and MicroViable Therapeutics (Spain) to unravel how the intestinal microbiota can be exploited to boost cancer immunotherapy and limit therapy side-effects. The project will be headed by Marcel de Zoete, PhD of the Department of Medical Microbiology at UMC Utrecht.

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Sep 21: Research grant awarded to UMC Utrecht for microbiota-boosted cancer therapy

Health~Holland has awarded close to € 800,000 to a public-private partnership between UMC Utrecht, Artizan Biosciences, Inc. (USA) and MicroViable Therapeutics (Spain) to unravel how the intestinal microbiota can be exploited to boost cancer immunotherapy and limit therapy side-effects. The project will be headed by Marcel de Zoete, PhD of the Department of Medical Microbiology at UMC Utrecht.

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Sep 13: World Sepsis Day: investigating a new vaccine against sepsis

Urinary tract infections are common, especially in the elderly. The Escherichia coli bacterium is the main pathogen in urinary tract infections and also responsible for up to one-third of all cases of sepsis worldwide. Prevention of such invasive E. coli infections through vaccination could lead to significant health gains. However, no such vaccine is currently available. Therefore, in a large European study, scientists are investigating whether a new vaccine could prevent sepsis.

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First children participate in UMC Utrecht-led study: Is one COVID-19 vaccination dose enough for kids?

Protect children from 5 to 11 years old against COVID-19? UMC Utrecht is investigating whether one shot of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine protects as well as two shots in children who have had COVID-19 and want to be vaccinated. It is still possible to register for this study. Elsa, seven, is the first child to have recently participated in this CoVacc study.

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Aug 18: Innovative drug research involving patients with rare auto-immune diseases

Male hand with rheumatoid arthritis complaints

ARCH Foundation, Galapagos, and UMC Utrecht are launching a patient-public-private consortium called DRIMID, with funding from ReumaNederland (Netherlands Arthritis Foundation) and Health Holland.

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Aug 12: Inflammatory bowel disease: unraveling a mystery

On June 20, 2022, Bas Oldenburg, as a professor of inflammatory bowel disease affiliated with UMC Utrecht, held his inaugural lecture entitled "Unraveling the IBD enigma." In this lecture he discussed the developments in the field of diagnosis, treatment, research and education with regard to chronic inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. Partly due to the research that Oldenburg leads in Utrecht, the etiology of IBD is coming into clearer focus and patients can increasingly receive tailor-made treatment.

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Jul 8: Grant for research into chronic pain

Researchers Niels Eijkelkamp and Michiel van der Vlist from UMC Utrecht have received a so-called 'ENW-M-2 grant' of over € 700,000 from the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO). They will use this grant to study how the body eliminates inflammatory pain. In this way they hope to understand what goes wrong in people with chronic pain that does not disappear. With the ultimate long-term goal: new treatments for chronic pain.

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Vidi for clinical microbiologist András Spaan

The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) has awarded 101 experienced researchers a Vidi grant of € 800,000.

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Working at UMC Utrecht





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