Neuroscience & Cognition Master
The Utrecht master in Neuroscience and Cognition is an international research master and part of the Graduate School of Life Sciences. The two-year program aims at delivering a new generation of multidisciplinary neuroscientists, with a broad knowledge over the full width of the neurosciences and equipped to face the challenges of modern neuroscience research.

The field of neuroscience and cognition comprises a vast multidisciplinary research area which overall aims to understand normal and pathological brain function. It is exactly this multidisciplinary nature that makes the field so interesting and challenging. This international master will give you insight in the fundamental principles of the field. The program is organized in two tracks. One track focuses on experimental and clinical neuroscience; the other track focuses on cognitive neuroscience.
Contact uitklapper, klik om te openen
Geert M.J. Ramakers, PhD
Coordinator Master Program Neuroscience and Cognition
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