
prof. dr. J.H. (Jan) Veldink

prof. dr. J.H. (Jan) Veldink

Full Professor

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Research Output (298)

Serum cytokine patterns in immunoglobulin m monoclonal gammopathy-associated polyneuropathy

Stork Abraham C J, Rijkers Ger T, Vlam Lotte, Cats Elisabeth A, de Jong Ben A W, Fritsch-Stork Ruth D E, Veldink Jan H, van den Berg Leonard H, Notermans Nicolette C, van der Pol W-Ludo 7 Mar 2019, In: Muscle & Nerve. 59 , p. 694-698 5 p.

Skewed X-inactivation is common in the general female population

Shvetsova Ekaterina, Sofronova Alina, Monajemi Ramin, Gagalova Kristina, Draisma Harmen H.M., White Stefan J., Santen Gijs W.E., Chuva de Sousa Lopes Susana M., Heijmans Bastiaan T., van Meurs Joyce, Jansen Rick, Franke Lude, Kiełbasa Szymon M., den Dunnen Johan T., ‘t Hoen Peter A.C., Heijmans Bastiaan T., ’t Hoen Peter Ac, van Meurs Joyce, Boomsma Dorret I., Pool René, van Dongen Jenny, Hottenga Jouke J., van Greevenbroek Marleen Mj, Stehouwer Coen Da, van der Kallen Carla Jh, Schalkwijk Casper G., Wijmenga Cisca, Zhernakova Sasha, Tigchelaar Ettje F., Slagboom P. Eline, Beekman Marian, Deelen Joris, van Heemst Diana, Veldink Jh, van den Berg Leonard H., Deelen Patrick, Francioli Lc, Pulit Sl, Guryev V., Kloosterman Wp, Deelen Patrick, van Leeuwen Em, van Setten J., Nijman Ij, Renkens I., Veldink Jh, van den Berg Leonard H., Li Y., Wang J., de Bakker Pi, , 1 Mar 2019, In: European Journal of Human Genetics. 27 , p. 455-465 11 p.

The effect of genetic vulnerability and military deployment on the development of post-traumatic stress disorder and depressive symptoms

Schur Remmelt R., Schijven Dick, Boks Marco P., Rutten Bart P. F., Stein Murray B., Veldink Jan H., Joels Marian, Geuze Elbert, Vermetten Eric, Luykx Jurjen J., Vinkers Christiaan H. Mar 2019, In: European Neuropsychopharmacology. 29 , p. 405-415 11 p.

What does age at onset in ALS tell us about the genetic basis of the disease?

Veldink Jan Herman Mar 2019, In: Journal of neurology, neurosurgery, and psychiatry. 90 , p. 250 1 p.

Aerobic Exercise Therapy in Ambulatory Patients With ALS:A Randomized Controlled Trial

van Groenestijn Annerieke C, Schröder Carin D, van Eijk Ruben P A, Veldink Jan H, Kruitwagen-van Reenen Esther T, Groothuis Jan T, Grupstra Hepke F, Tepper Marga, van Vliet Reinout O, Visser-Meily Johanna M A, van den Berg Leonard H Feb 2019, In: Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair. 33 , p. 153-164 12 p.

Project MinE:study design and pilot analyses of a large-scale whole-genome sequencing study in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

Project Mine Als Sequencing Consortium Mine Als Sequencing Consortium, Pulit Sara L., Dekker Annelot M., Al Khleifat Ahmad, Brands William J., Iacoangeli Alfredo, Kenna Kevin P., Kavak Ersen, Kooyman Maarten, McLaughlin Russell L., Middelkoop Bas, Moisse Matthieu, Schellevis Raymond D., Shatunov Aleksey, Sproviero William, Tazelaar Gijs H.P., van der Spek Rick A.A., van Doormaal Perry T.C., van Eijk Kristel R., van Vugt Joke, Basak A. Nazli, Blair Ian P., Glass Jonathan D., Hardiman Orla, Hide Winston, Landers John E., Mora Jesus S., Morrison Karen E., Newhouse Stephen, Robberecht Wim, Shaw Christopher E., Shaw Pamela J., van Damme Philip, van Es Michael A., Wray Naomi R., Al-Chalabi Ammar, van Den Berg Leonard H., Veldink Jan H. 1 Oct 2018, In: European Journal of Human Genetics. 26 , p. 1537–1546 10 p.

Association of NIPA1 repeat expansions with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis in a large international cohort

Tazelaar Gijs H P, Dekker Annelot M, van Vugt Joke J F A, van der Spek Rick A, Westeneng Henk-Jan, Kool Lindy J B G, Kenna Kevin P, van Rheenen Wouter, Pulit Sara L, McLaughlin Russell L, Sproviero William, Iacoangeli Alfredo, Hübers Annemarie, Brenner David, Morrison Karen E, Shaw Pamela J, Shaw Christopher E, Panadés Monica Povedano, Mora Pardina Jesus S, Glass Jonathan D, Hardiman Orla, Al-Chalabi Ammar, van Damme Philip, Robberecht Wim, Landers John E, Ludolph Albert C, Weishaupt Jochen H, van den Berg Leonard H, Veldink Jan H, van Es Michael A, 22 Sep 2018, In: Neurobiology of Aging. 74 , p. 234.e9-234.e15

Association between alcohol exposure and the risk of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis in the Euro-MOTOR study

D'Ovidio Fabrizio, Rooney James P K, Visser Anne E, Manera Umberto, Beghi Ettore, Logroscino Giancarlo, Vermeulen Roel C H, Veldink Jan Herman, van den Berg Leonard H, Hardiman Orla, Chiò Adriano, 3 Aug 2018, In: Journal of neurology, neurosurgery, and psychiatry. 90 , p. 11-19 9 p.

Cognitive and behavioural changes in PLS and PMA:challenging the concept of restricted phenotypes

de Vries Bálint S, Rustemeijer Laura M M, Bakker Leonhard A, Schröder Carin D, Veldink Jan H, van den Berg Leonard H, Nijboer Tanja C W, van Es Michael A 3 Aug 2018, In: Journal of neurology, neurosurgery, and psychiatry. 90 , p. 141-147 7 p.

Whole blood transcriptome analysis in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis:A biomarker study

Van Rheenen Wouter, Diekstra Frank P., Harschnitz Oliver, Westeneng Henk Jan, van Eijk Kristel R., Saris Christiaan G.J., Groen Ewout J.N., Van Es Michael A., Blauw Hylke M., Van Vught Paul W.J., Veldink Jan H., van den Berg Leonard H. 1 Jun 2018, In: PLoS ONE [E]. 13 14 p.

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