
prof. dr. E. (Elsken) van der Wall

prof. dr. E. (Elsken) van der Wall

Full Professor

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Research Output (274)

Mind your words:Oncologists' communication that potentially harms patients with advanced cancer: A survey on patient perspectives

Westendorp Janine, Evers Andrea W.M., Stouthard Jacqueline M.L., Budding Janneke, van der Wall Elsken, Plum Nicole M.F., Velting Mirjam, Francke Anneke L., van Dulmen Sandra, olde Hartman Tim C., Van Vliet Liesbeth M. 1 Mar 2022, In: Cancer. 128 , p. 1133-1140 8 p.

Pregnancy-associated breast cancer:the influence of gestational age

Suelmann Britt B.M., van Dooijeweert Carmen, Bakhuis Carsten F.J., Linn Sabine, van der Wall Elsken, van Diest Paul J. Mar 2022, In: Endocrine-related cancer. 29 , p. 129-138 10 p.

Prognosis of pregnancy-associated breast cancer:inferior outcome in patients diagnosed during second and third gestational trimesters and lactation

Suelmann B. B.M., Bakhuis C. F.J., van Dooijeweert C., Verloop J., Zweemer R., Linn S., van der Wall E., van Diest P. J. 2022, In: Breast Cancer Research and Treatment. 192 , p. 175-189 15 p.

Population-based estimates of overtreatment with adjuvant systemic therapy in early breast cancer patients with data from the Netherlands and the USA

Ragusi M.A.A., van der Velden B.H.M., van Maaren M.C., van der Wall E., van Gils C. H., Pijnappel R. M., Gilhuijs K.G.A., Elias S.G. 2022, In: Breast Cancer Research and Treatment. 193 , p. 161-173 13 p.

External validation and clinical utility assessment of PREDICT v2.2 prognostic model in young, node-negative, systemic treatment-naïve breast cancer patients

Wang Y, Dackus GMHE, Broeks A., Giardiello D, Hauptmann M, Jozwiak K, Koop E.A., Opdam M, Siesling S, Sonke G.S., Stathonikos Nikolas, ter Hoeve N.D., van der Wall E, van Deurzen C.H., van Diest Paul, Voogd A.C., Vreuls W., Linn Sabine, Schmidt M.K. 2022, p. S7 2 p.

Standardized item selection for alternate computerized versions of Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test(-based) word lists

Lee Meeuw Kjoe Philippe R., Vermeulen Ivar E., Agelink van Rentergem Joost A., van der Wall Elsken, Schagen Sanne 2022, In: Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology. 44 , p. 681-701 21 p.

Nipple Aspirate Fluid at a Glance

Patuleia Susana I S, Suijkerbuijk Karijn P M, van der Wall Elsken, van Diest Paul J, Moelans Cathy B 29 Dec 2021, In: Cancers. 14 , p. 1-21

Physical Fitness and Chemotherapy Tolerance in Patients with Early-Stage Breast Cancer

Groen Wim G, Naaktgeboren Willeke R, van Harten Wim H, van Vulpen Jonna K, Kool Nathalie, Sonke Gabe S, van der Wall Elsken, Velthuis Miranda J, Aaronson Neil K, May Anne M, Stuiver Martijn M 27 Dec 2021, In: Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 54 , p. 537-542 6 p.

Receptor status of breast cancer diagnosed during pregnancy: A literature review

Bakhuis Carsten F. J., Suelmann Britt B. M., van Dooijeweert Carmen, Linn Sabine, van der Wall Elsken, van Diest Paul J. Dec 2021, In: Critical Reviews in Oncology Hematology. 168

Adjuvant Aromatase Inhibitors or Tamoxifen Following Chemotherapy for Perimenopausal Breast Cancer Patients

Dackus Gwen M H E, Jóźwiak Katarzyna, Sonke Gabe S, van der Wall Elsken, van Diest Paul J, Siesling Sabine, Hauptmann Michael, Linn Sabine C 2 Nov 2021, In: Journal of the National Cancer Institute. 113 , p. 1506-1514 9 p.

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