
dr. R.J.B. (Ralph) Sakkers

dr. R.J.B. (Ralph) Sakkers

Assistant Professor - medical

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Research Output (115)

The intramedullary hydraulic pressure tolerance of the human femur

Sakkers R. J.B., Valkema R., De Wijn J. R., Lentjes E. G.W.M., Van Blitterswijk C. A., Rozing P. M. 1 Jan 1995, In: Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research. p. 183-189 7 p.

X-chromosome inactivation in patients who have pigmented villonodular synovitis

Sakkers R J, de Jong D, van der Heul R O Dec 1991, In: Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. American volume. 73 , p. 1532-6 5 p.

Histological, biochemical, and MRI studies of the growth plate in congenital coxa vara

Bos C F, Sakkers R J, Bloem J L, vd Stadt R J, vd Kamp J J 1 Nov 1989, In: Journal of Pediatric Orthopedics. 9 , p. 660-5 6 p.

Macrophage infiltration in tumors and tumor-surrounding tissue:influence of serotonin and sensitized lymphocytes

Los G, De Weger R A, Van den Berg D T, Sakkers R, Den Otter W 1988, In: Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy. 26 , p. 145-52 8 p.

The absence of delayed-type hypersensitivity reactivity in a syngeneic murine tumour system

Los G, De Weger R A, Moberts R M, Van Loveren H, Sakkers R J, Den Otter W Sep 1987, In: Immunology. 62 , p. 89-95 7 p.

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