
prof. dr. J.H.E. (Jurgen) Kuball

prof. dr. J.H.E. (Jurgen) Kuball

Full Professor

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Research Output (210)

Comparison of reduced-intensity conditioning regimens in patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia >45 years undergoing allogeneic stem cell transplantation-a retrospective study by the Acute Leukemia Working Party of EBMT

Peric Zinaida, Labopin Myriam, Peczynski Christophe, Polge Emmanuelle, Cornelissen Jan, Carpenter Ben, Potter Mike, Malladi Ram, Byrne Jenny, Schouten Harry, Fegueux Nathalie, Socié Gerard, Rovira Montserrat, Kuball Jurgen, Gilleece Maria, Giebel Sebastian, Nagler Arnon, Mohty Mohamad 2 May 2020, In: Bone Marrow Transplantation. 55 , p. 1560-1569 10 p.

A semi-mechanistic model based on glutathione depletion to describe intra-individual reduction in busulfan clearance

Langenhorst J B, Boss J, van Kesteren C, Lalmohamed A, Kuball J, Egberts A C G, Boelens J J, Huitema A D R, van Maarseveen E M 18 Feb 2020, In: British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology. 86 , p. 1499-1509 11 p.

TEG011 persistence averts extramedullary tumor growth without exerting off-target toxicity against healthy tissues in a humanized HLA-A*24:02 transgenic mice

Johanna Inez, Hernández-López Patricia, Heijhuurs Sabine, Bongiovanni Laura, de Bruin Alain, Beringer Dennis, van Dooremalen Sanne, Shultz Leonard D, Ishikawa Fumihiko, Sebestyen Zsolt, Straetemans Trudy, Kuball Jürgen 5 Feb 2020, In: Journal of Leukocyte Biology. 107 , p. 1069-1079 11 p.

gamma delta T-cell Receptors Derived from Breast Cancer-Infiltrating T Lymphocytes Mediate Antitumor Reactivity

Janssen Anke, Villacorta Hidalgo José, Beringer Dennis X, van Dooremalen Sanne F.J., Fernando Febilla, van Diest Eline, Terrizzi Antonela R, Bronsert Peter, Kock Sylvia, Schmitt-Graeff Annette, Werner Martin, Heise Kerstin, Follo Marie, Straetemans Trudy, Sebestyen Zsolt, Chudakov Dmitriy M, Kasatskaya Sofya A, Frenkel Felix E, Ravens Sarina, Spierings Eric, Prinz Immo, Küppers Ralf, Malkovsky Miroslav, Fisch Paul, Kuball Jurgen 4 Feb 2020, In: Cancer Immunology Research. 8 , p. 530-543 14 p.

Correction: Lenalidomide added to standard intensive treatment for older patients with AML and high-risk MDS

Ossenkoppele G. J., Breems D. A., Stuessi G., van Norden Y., Bargetzi M., Biemond B. J., A von dem Borne P., Chalandon Y., Cloos J., Deeren D., Fehr M., Gjertsen B. T., Graux C., Huls G., Janssen J. J.W.M., Jaspers A., Jongen-Lavrencic M., de Jongh E., Klein S. K., van der Klift M., van Marwijk Kooy M., Maertens J. A., Michaux L., van der Poel M. W.M., Van Rhenen A., Tick L., Valk P., Vekemans M. C., van der Velden W. J.F.M., de Weerdt O., Pabst T., Manz M., Löwenberg B., Breems D. A., Havelange , Vekemans M. C., Moors I., van Obberg F., Maertens J. A., Hodossy B., Vansteenweghen S., Lammertijn L., Deeren D., Klein S. K., Janssen J. J.W.M., Brouwer R. E., Schouten H. C., de Weerdt O., Kuball J., Van Rhenen A., 1 Jan 2020, In: Leukemia. 34 , p. 2820-2820 1 p.

Efficacy of MSC for steroid-refractory acute GVHD associates with MSC donor age and a defined molecular profile

van der Wagen Lotte E, Miranda-Bedate Alberto, Janssen Anke, Fernando Febilla, Appukudige Nagesha, van Dooremalen Sanne F.J., Westinga Kasper, Admiraal Rick, Lorenowicz Magdalena J, Huls Gerwin, Janssen Jeroen J W M, Broers Annoek E C, van der Velden Walter J F M, van Marwijk Kooy Rien, Hazenberg Mette D, de Haar Colin, Lindemans Caroline, Jan Boelens Jaap, Kuball Jürgen 1 Jan 2020, In: Bone Marrow Transplantation. 55 , p. 2188-2192 5 p.

Thrombocytopenia and the effect of platelet transfusions on the occurrence of intracranial hemorrhage in patients with acute leukemia - a nested case-control study

Cornelissen Loes L., Kreuger Aukje L., Caram-Deelder Camila, Middelburg Rutger A., Kerkhoffs Jean Louis H., von dem Borne Peter A., Beckers Erik A.M., de Vooght Karen M.K., Kuball Jürgen, Zwaginga J. J., van der Bom Johanna G. 2020, In: Annals of Hematology. 100 , p. 261-271 11 p.

TEG001 Insert Integrity from Vector Producer Cells until Medicinal Product

Straetemans Trudy, Janssen Anke, Jansen Koen, Doorn Ruud, Aarts Tineke, van Muyden Anna D D, Simonis Marieke, Bergboer Judith, de Witte Moniek, Sebestyen Zsolt, Kuball Jurgen 14 Dec 2019, In: Molecular Therapy. 28 , p. 561-571 11 p.

Management of adults and children undergoing chimeric antigen receptor T-cell therapy:best practice recommendations of the European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation (EBMT) and the Joint Accreditation Committee of ISCT and EBMT (JACIE)

Yakoub-Agha Ibrahim, Chabannon Christian, Bader Peter, Basak Grzegorz W, Bonig Halvard, Ciceri Fabio, Corbacioglu Selim, Duarte Rafael F, Einsele Hermann, Hudecek Michael, Kersten Marie José, Köhl Ulrike, Kuball Jürgen, Mielke Stephan, Mohty Mohamad, Murray John, Nagler Arnon, Robinson Stephen, Saccardi Riccardo, Sanchez-Guijo Fermin, Snowden John A, Srour Micha, Styczynski Jan, Urbano-Ispizua Alvaro, Hayden Patrick J, Kröger Nicolaus 21 Nov 2019, In: Haematologica. 105 , p. 297-316 20 p.

Benchmarking of survival outcomes following haematopoietic stem cell transplantation: A review of existing processes and the introduction of an international system from the European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation (EBMT) and the Joint Accreditation Committee of ISCT and EBMT (JACIE) (vol 55, pg 681, 2019):Benchmarking of survival outcomes following haematopoietic stem cell transplantation: A review of existing processes and the introduction of an international system from the European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation (EBMT) and the Joint Accreditation Committee of ISCT and EBMT (JACIE) (Bone Marrow Transplantation, (2020), 55, 4, (681-694), 10.1038/s41409-019-0718-7)

Snowden John A, Saccardi Riccardo, Orchard Kim, Ljungman Per, Duarte Rafael F, Labopin Myriam, McGrath Eoin, Brook Nigel, de Elvira Carmen Ruiz, Gordon Debra, Poirel Hélène A, Ayuk Francis, Beguin Yves, Bonifazi Francesca, Gratwohl Alois, Milpied Noel, Moore John, Passweg Jakob, Rizzo J Douglas, Spellman Stephen R, Sierra Jorge, Solano Carlos, Sanchez-Guijo Fermin, Worel Nina, Gusi Andreu, Adams Gillian, Balan Theodor, Baldomero Helen, Macq Gilles, Marry Evelyne, Mesnil Florence, Oldani Elena, Pearce Rachel, Perry Julia, Raus Nicole, Schanz Urs, Tran Steven, Wilcox Leonie, Basak Grzegorz W, Chabannon Christian, Corbacioglu Selim, Dolstra Harry, Kuball Jürgen, Mohty Mohamad, Lankester Arjan, Montoto Sylvia, Nagler Arnon, Styczynski Jan, Yakoub-Agha Ibrahim, de Latour Regis Peffault, Kroeger Nicolaus, Brand Ronald, de Wreede Liesbeth C, van Zwet Erik, Putter Hein 21 Nov 2019, In: Bone Marrow Transplantation. 55 , p. 838-839 2 p.

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