
prof. dr. J.H.E. (Jurgen) Kuball

prof. dr. J.H.E. (Jurgen) Kuball

Full Professor

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Research Output (210)

Carfilzomib, lenalidomide and dexamethasone followed by a second ASCT is an effective strategy in first relapse multiple myeloma:a study on behalf of the Chronic malignancies working party of the EBMT

Tilmont Rémi, Yakoub-Agha Ibrahim, Eikema Diderik-Jan, Zinger Nienke, Haenel Mathias, Schaap Nicolaas, Arroyo Concepcion Herrera, Schuermans Christine, Besemer Britta, Engelhardt Monika, Kuball Jürgen, Michieli Mariagrazia, Schub Natalie, Wilson Keith M O, Bourhis Jean Henri, Mateos Maria Victoria, Rabin Neil, Jost Edgar, Kröger Nicolaus, Moraleda José M, Za Tommaso, Hayden Patrick J, Beksac Meral, Mclornan Donal, Schönland Stefan, Manier Salomon 2023, In: Bone Marrow Transplantation. 58 , p. 1182-1188 7 p.

Long-term outcome of second allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT2) for primary graft failure in patients with acute leukemia in remission:A study on behalf of the Acute Leukemia Working Party of the European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation

Nagler Arnon, Labopin Myriam, Swoboda Ryszard, Kulagin Alexander, Velardi Andrea, Sanz Jaime, Labussière-Wallet Hélène, Potter Victoria, Kuball Jürgen, Sica Simona, Parovichnikova Elena, Bethge Wolfgang, Maillard Natacha, Platzbecker Uwe, Stölzel Friedrich, Ciceri Fabio, Mohty Mohamad 2023, In: Bone Marrow Transplantation. 58 , p. 1008-1016 9 p.

Fresh or frozen grafts for allogeneic stem cell transplantation:conceptual considerations and a survey on the practice during the COVID-19 pandemic from the EBMT Infectious Diseases Working Party (IDWP) and Cellular Therapy & Immunobiology Working Party (CTIWP)

Worel N, Ljungman P, Verheggen I C M, Hoogenboom J D, Knelange N S, Eikema D-J, Sánchez-Ortega I, Riillo C, Centorrino I, Averbuch D, Chabannon C, de la Camara R, Kuball J, Ruggeri A 2023, In: Bone Marrow Transplantation. 58 , p. 1348-1356 9 p.

Current use of fecal microbiota transfer in patients with hematologic diseases:a survey on behalf of the Cellular Therapy and Immunobiology Working Party of the EBMT

Battipaglia Giorgia, Mooyaart Jarl E, Meyer Ralf, Mohty Mohamad, Sadowska-Klasa Alicja, Goloshchapov Oleg, Locatelli Franco, Styczynski Jan, Pavlu Jiri, Dybko Jaroslaw, Bronin Gleb, Salmenniemi Urpu, Jindra Pavel, Hoogenboom Jorinde D, Kuball Jurgen, Ruggeri Annalisa, Malard Florent 2023, In: Bone Marrow Transplantation. 58 , p. 1419-1421 3 p.

Autopsy Study Defines Composition and Dynamics of the HIV-1 Reservoir after Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation with CCR5Δ32/Δ32 Donor Cells

Huyveneers Laura E.P., Bruns Anke, Stam Arjen, Ellerbroek Pauline, de Jong Dorien, Nagy Noémi A., Gumbs Stephanie B.H., Tesselaar Kiki, Bosman Kobus, Salgado Maria, Hütter Gero, Brosens Lodewijk A.A., Kwon Mi, Diez Martin Jose, van der Meer Jan T.M., de Kort Theun M., Sáez-Cirión Asier, Schulze zur Wiesch Julian, Boelens Jaap Jan, Martinez-Picado Javier, Kuball Jürgen H.E., Wensing Annemarie M.J., Nijhuis Monique, 17 Sep 2022, In: Viruses. 14

Uncovering the mode of action of engineered T cells in patient cancer organoids

Dekkers Johanna F., Alieva Maria, Cleven Astrid, Keramati Farid, Wezenaar Amber K.L., van Vliet Esmée J., Puschhof Jens, Brazda Peter, Johanna Inez, Meringa Angelo D., Rebel Heggert G., Buchholz Maj Britt, Barrera Román Mario, Zeeman Amber L., de Blank Sam, Fasci Domenico, Geurts Maarten H., Cornel Annelisa M., Driehuis Else, Millen Rosemary, Straetemans Trudy, Nicolasen Mara J.T., Aarts-Riemens Tineke, Ariese Hendrikus C.R., Johnson Hannah R., van Ineveld Ravian L., Karaiskaki Froso, Kopper Oded, Bar-Ephraim Yotam E., Kretzschmar Kai, Eggermont Alexander M.M., Nierkens Stefan, Wehrens Ellen J., Stunnenberg Henk G., Clevers Hans, Kuball Jürgen, Sebestyen Zsolt, Rios Anne C. 25 Jul 2022, In: Nature Biotechnology. 41 , p. 60-69 10 p.

Comparison of Outcomes after Unrelated Double-Unit Cord Blood and Haploidentical Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Transplantation in Adults with Acute Myelogenous Leukemia:A Study on Behalf of Eurocord and the Acute Leukemia Working Party of the European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation

Ruggeri Annalisa, Galimard Jacques-Emmanuel, Labopin Myriam, Rafii Hanadi, Blaise Didier, Ciceri Fabio, Diez-Martin Jose-Luiz, Cornelissen Jan, Chevallier Patrice, Sanchez-Guijo Fermin, Nicholson Emma, Castagna Luca, Forcade Edouard, Kuball Jürgen, Rovira Montserrat, Koc Yener, Pavlu Jiri, Gulbas Zafar, Vydra Jan, Baron Frederic, Sanz Jaime, Spyridonidis Alexandros, Savani Bipin, Gluckman Eliane, Nagler Arnon, Mohty Mohamad 10 Jul 2022, In: Transplantation and Cellular Therapy. 28 , p. 710.e1-710.e10

γ9δ2 T-Cell Expansion and Phenotypic Profile Are Reflected in the CDR3δ Repertoire of Healthy Adults

Vyborova Anna, Janssen Anke, Gatti Lucrezia, Karaiskaki Froso, Yonika Austin, van Dooremalen Sanne, Sanders Jasper, Beringer Dennis X, Straetemans Trudy, Sebestyen Zsolt, Kuball Jürgen 7 Jul 2022, In: Frontiers in Immunology. 13 , p. 1-13

Outcome of allogeneic haematopoietic cell transplantation in eosinophilic disorders:A retrospective study by the chronic malignancies working party of the EBMT

McLornan Donal P, Gras Luuk, Martin Ivonne, Sirait Tiarlan, Schroeder Thomas, Blau Igor Wolfgang, Kuball Jürgen, Byrne Jenny, Collin Matthew, Stadler Michael, Desmier Déborah, Salmenniemi Urpu, Jindra Pavel, Mikhailova Natalia, Lenhoff Stig, Rifón Jose, Robin Marie, Rovira Montserrat, Veelken Hendrik, Sadowska-Klasa Alicja, Zecca Marco, Hayden Patrick J, Czerw Tomasz, Hernández-Boluda Juan Carlos, Yakoub-Agha Ibrahim 28 Apr 2022, In: British Journal of Haematology. 198 , p. 209-213 5 p.

Correction to:Predictive factors for vaccine failure to guide vaccination in allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients (Bone Marrow Transplantation, (2021), 56, 12, (2922-2928), 10.1038/s41409-021-01437-0)

Janssen Michelle J.M., Bruns Anke H.W., Verduyn Lunel Frans M., Raijmakers Reinier A.P., de Weijer Roel J., Nanlohy Nening M., Smits Gaby P., van Baarle Debbie, Kuball Jürgen 31 Mar 2022, In: Bone Marrow Transplantation. 57 , p. 1050-1050 1 p.

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