
prof. dr. J.H.E. (Jurgen) Kuball

prof. dr. J.H.E. (Jurgen) Kuball

Full Professor

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Research Output (210)

Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in Europe 2014:more than 40 000 transplants annually

Passweg J. R., Baldomero H., Bader P., Bonini C., Cesaro S., Dreger P., Duarte R. F., Dufour C., Kuball J., Farge-Bancel D., Gennery A., Kröger N., Lanza F., Nagler A., Sureda A., Mohty M. 22 Feb 2016, In: Bone Marrow Transplantation. 51 , p. 786–792

The next step toward GMP-grade production of engineered immune cells

Kierkels Guido J J, Straetemans Trudy, de Witte Moniek A, Kuball Jürgen Feb 2016, In: OncoImmunology. 5

Thiotepa-based versus total body irradiation-based myeloablative conditioning prior to allogeneic stem cell transplantation for acute myeloid leukaemia in first complete remission:a retrospective analysis from the Acute Leukemia Working Party of the European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation

Eder Sandra, Labopin Myriam, Arcese William, Or Reuven, Majolino Ignazio, Bacigalupo Andrea, de Rosa Gennaro, Volin Liisa, Beelen Dietrich, Veelken Hendrik, Schaap Nicolaas P M, Kuball Jurgen, Cornelissen Jan, Nagler Arnon, Mohty Mohamad, Jan 2016, In: European Journal of Haematology. 96 , p. 90-97 8 p.

RhoB Mediates Phosphoantigen Recognition by Vγ9Vδ2 T Cell Receptor

Sebestyen Zsolt, Scheper Wouter, Vyborova Anna, Gu Siyi, Rychnavska Zuzana, Schiffler Marleen, Cleven Astrid, Chéneau Coraline, van Noorden Martje, Peigné Cassie-Marie, Olive Daniel, Lebbink Robert Jan, Oostvogels Rimke, Mutis Tuna, Schuurhuis Gerrit Jan, Adams Erin J, Scotet Emmanuel, Kuball Jürgen 2016, In: Cell Reports [E]. 15 , p. 1973-1985 13 p.

High CD3+ and CD34+ peripheral blood stem cell grafts content is associated with increased risk of graft-versus-host disease without beneficial effect on disease control after reduced-intensity conditioning allogeneic transplantation from matched unrelated donors for acute myeloid leukemia - an analysis from the Acute Leukemia Working Party of the European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation

Czerw Tomasz, Labopin Myriam, Schmid Christoph, Cornelissen Jan J, Chevallier Patrice, Blaise Didier, Kuball Jürgen, Vigouroux Stephane, Garban Frédéric, Lioure Bruno, Fegueux Nathalie, Clement Laurence, Sandstedt Anna, Maertens Johan, Guillerm Gaëlle, Bordessoule Dominique, Mohty Mohamad, Nagler Arnon 2016, In: Oncotarget. 7 , p. 27255-27266 12 p.

Pre-clinical evaluation of CD38 chimeric antigen receptor engineered T cells for the treatment of multiple myeloma

Drent Esther, Groen Richard W.J., Noort Willy A, Themeli Maria, Lammerts van Bueren Jeroen J, Parren Paul W H I, Kuball Jürgen, Sebestyen Zsolt, Yuan Huipin, de Bruijn Joost, van de Donk Niels W C J, Martens Anton C M, Lokhorst Henk M, Mutis Tuna 2016, In: Haematologica. 101 , p. 616-625 10 p.

Rapid reconstitution of CD4 T cells and NK cells protects against CMV-reactivation after allogeneic stem cell transplantation

Drylewicz Julia, Schellens Ingrid M M, Gaiser Rogier, Nanlohy Nening M, Quakkelaar Esther D, Otten Henny, van Dorp Suzanne, Jacobi Ronald, Ran Leonie, Spijkers Sanne, Koning Dan, Schuurman Rob, Meijer Ellen, Pietersma Floortje L, Kuball Jurgen, van Baarle Debbie 2016, In: Journal of Translational Medicine [E]. 14 9 p.

Cytomegalovirus Status and the Outcome of T Cell-Replete Reduced-Intensity Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation

Verduyn Lunel Frans M, Raymakers Reinier, van Dijk Anette, van der Wagen Lotte, Minnema Monique C, Kuball Jurgen 2016, In: Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation. 22 , p. 1883-1887 5 p.

Ruxolitinib in corticosteroid-refractory graft-versus-host disease after allogeneic stem cell transplantation:A multicenter survey

Zeiser R., Burchert A., Lengerke C., Verbeek M., Maas-Bauer K., Metzelder S. K., Spoerl S., Ditschkowski M., Ecsedi M., Sockel K., Ayuk F., Ajib S., De Fontbrune F. S., Na I. K., Penter L., Holtick U., Wolf D., Schuler E., Meyer E., Apostolova P., Bertz H., Marks R., Lübbert M., Wäsch R., Scheid C., Stölzel F., Ordemann R., Bug G., Kobbe G., Negrin R., Brune M., Spyridonidis A., Schmitt-Gräff A., Van Der Velden W., Huls G., Mielke S., Grigoleit G. U., Kuball J., Flynn R., Ihorst G., Du J., Blazar B. R., Arnold R., Kröger N., Passweg J., Halter J., Socié G., Beelen D., Peschel C., Neubauer A., Finke J., Duyster J., Von Bubnoff N. 1 Oct 2015, In: Leukemia. 29 , p. 2062-2068 7 p.

Sufficient Immunosuppression with Thymoglobulin Is Essential for a Successful Haplo-Myeloid Bridge in Haploidentical-Cord Blood Transplantation

Lindemans Caroline A., te Boome Liane C J, Admiraal Rick, Jol-van der Zijde Els C., Wensing Anne M. , Versluijs A. Birgitta, Bierings Marc B., Kuball Jürgen, Boelens Jaap J. Oct 2015, In: Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation. 21 , p. 1839-1845 7 p.

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