
prof. dr. J.H.E. (Jurgen) Kuball

prof. dr. J.H.E. (Jurgen) Kuball

Full Professor

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Research Output (210)

An integrative scoring system for survival prediction following umbilical cord blood transplantation in acute leukemia

Shouval Roni, Ruggeri Annalisa, Labopin Myriam, Mohty Mohamad, Sanz Guillermo, Michel Gerard, Kuball Jürgen, Chevallier Patrice, Al-Seraihy Amal, Milpied Noel Jean, De Heredia Cristina Diaz, Arcese William, Blaise Didier, Rocha Vanderson, Fein Joshua, Unger Ron, Baron Frederic, Bader Peter, Gluckman Eliane, Nagler Arnon 1 Nov 2017, In: Clinical Cancer Research. 23 , p. 6478-6486 9 p.

JACIE accreditation for blood and marrow transplantation:past, present and future directions of an international model for healthcare quality improvement

Snowden J A, McGrath E, Duarte R F, Saccardi R, Orchard K, Worel N, Kuball J, Chabannon C, Mohty M Oct 2017, In: Bone Marrow Transplantation. 52 , p. 1367-1371 5 p.

In search of the optimal platform for Post-Allogeneic SCT immunotherapy in relapsed multiple myeloma:a systematic review

Oostvogels R, Uniken Venema S M, de Witte M, Raymakers R, Kuball J, Kröger N., Minnema M C Sep 2017, In: Bone Marrow Transplantation. 52 , p. 1233-1240 8 p.

Single nucleotide polymorphisms of the high affinity IgG receptor FcγRI reduce immune complex binding and downstream effector functions

Brandsma Arianne M., Ten Broeke Toine, Van Dueren Den Hollander Evelien, Caniels Thomas G., Kardol-Hoefnagel Tineke, Kuball Jürgen, Leusen Jeanette H.W. 16 Aug 2017, In: Journal of Immunology. 199 , p. 2432-2439 8 p.

Activation of silent mating type information regulation 2 homolog 1 by human chorionic gonadotropin exerts a therapeutic effect on hepatic injury and inflammation

Steinmetz Caroline, Kashyap Anubha, Zhivkova Nataliya, Alizor Henry, Ernst Isabell, Gottfried-Brand Daniela, Janssen Henning, Teufel Andreas, Schulze-Bergkamen Henning, Lotz Johannes, Kuball Jürgen, Theobald Matthias, Heise Michael, Lang Hauke, Galle Peter R, Strand Dennis, Strand Susanne 1 Jun 2017, In: Hepatology. 65 , p. 2074-2089 16 p.

Haematopoietic stem cell transplantation for autoimmune diseases

Swart Joost F., Delemarre Eveline M., Van Wijk Femke, Boelens Jaap Jan, Kuball Jürgen, Van Laar Jacob M., Wulffraat Nico M. 1 Apr 2017, In: Nature Reviews. Rheumatology. 13 , p. 244-256 13 p.

Association between anti-thymocyte globulin exposure and survival outcomes in adult unrelated haemopoietic cell transplantation:a multicentre, retrospective, pharmacodynamic cohort analysis

Admiraal Rick, Nierkens Stefan, de Witte Moniek A, Petersen Eefke J, Fleurke Ger-Jan, Verrest Luka, Belitser Svetlana V, Bredius Robbert G M, Raymakers Reinier A P, Knibbe Catherijne A J, Minnema Monique C, van Kesteren Charlotte, Kuball Jurgen, Boelens Jaap J Apr 2017, In: Lancet haematology. 4 , p. e183–e191

Therapeutic value of clofarabine in younger and middle-aged (18-65 years) adults with newly diagnosed AML

Löwenberg Bob, Pabst Thomas, Maertens Johan, van Norden Yvette, Biemond Bart J., Schouten Harry C., Spertini Olivier, Vellenga Edo, Graux Carlos, Havelange Violaine, de Greef Georgine E, De Weerdt Okke, Legdeur Marie-Cecile J C, Kuball Juergen, van Marwijk Kooy Marinus, Gjertsen Bjorn T, Jongen-Lavrencic Mojca, van de Loosdrecht Arjan A, van Lammeren-Venema Daniëlle, Hodossy Beata, Breems Dimitri A, Chalandon Yves, Passweg Jakob, Valk Peter J M, Manz Markus G, Ossenkoppele Gert J 23 Mar 2017, In: Blood. 129 , p. 1636-1645 10 p.

Prevention of Vγ9Vδ2 T Cell Activation by a Vγ9Vδ2 TCR Nanobody

de Bruin Renée C G, Stam Anita G M, Vangone Anna, van Bergen En Henegouwen Paul M P, Verheul Henk M W, Sebestyen Z, Kuball Jürgen, Bonvin Alexandre M J J, de Gruijl Tanja D, van der Vliet Hans J 1 Jan 2017, In: Journal of Immunology. 198 , p. 308-317 10 p.

Graft-Versus-Leukemia effect of allogeneic stem-cell transplantation and minimal residual disease in patients with acute myeloid leukemia in first complete remission

Versluis Jurjen, Kalin Burak, Zeijlemaker Wendelien, Passweg Jakob, Graux Carlos, Manz Markus G., Vekemans Marie Christiane, Biemond Bart J., Legdeur Marie Cecile J.C., Kooy Marinus van Marwijk, de Weerdt Okke, Wijermans Pierre W., Hoogendoorn Mels, Bargetzi Mario J., Kuball Juergen, Schouten Harry C., van der Velden Vincent H.J., Janssen Jeroen J.W.M., Pabst Thomas, Lowenberg Bob, Jongen-Lavrencic Mojca, Schuurhuis Gerrit Jan, Ossenkoppele Gert, Cornelissen Jan J. 1 Jan 2017, In: JCO Precision Oncology. 1 , p. 1-13 13 p.

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