
prof. dr. M. (Miriam) Koopman

prof. dr. M. (Miriam) Koopman

Full Professor

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Research Output (219)

Physical Activity Is Associated with Improved Overall Survival among Patients with Metastatic Colorectal Cancer

Smit Karel C, Derksen Jeroen W G, Beets Geerard L O, Belt Eric J Th, Berbée Maaike, Coene Peter Paul L O, van Cruijsen Hester, Davidis Marjan A, Dekker Jan Willem T, van Dodewaard-de Jong Joyce M, Haringhuizen Annebeth W, Helgason Helgi H, Hendriks Mathijs P, Hoekstra Ronald, de Hingh Ignace H J T, IJzermans Jan N M, Janssen Johan J B, Konsten Joop L M, Los Maartje, Mekenkamp Leonie J M, Nieboer Peter, Peeters Koen C M J, Peters Natascha A J B, Pruijt Hans J F M, Quarles van Ufford-Mannesse Patricia, Rietbroek Ron C, Schiphorst Anandi H W, Schouten van der Velden Arjan, Schrauwen Ruud W M, Sie Mark P S, Sommeijer Dirkje W, Sonneveld Dirk J A, Stockmann Hein B A C, Tent Marleen, Terheggen Frederiek, Tjin-A-Ton Manuel L R, Valkenburg-van Iersel Liselot, van der Velden Ankie M T, Vles Wouter J, van Voorthuizen Theo, Wegdam Johannes A, de Wilt Johannes H W, Koopman Miriam, May Anne M, On Behalf Of The Plcrc Study Group 16 Feb 2022, In: Cancers. 14

Long-term Survival Update and Extended RAS Mutational Analysis of the CAIRO2 Trial:Addition of Cetuximab to CAPOX/Bevacizumab in Metastatic Colorectal Cancer

Ten Hoorn Sanne, Mol Linda, Sommeijer Dirkje W, Nijman Lisanne, van den Bosch Tom, de Back Tim R, Ylstra Bauke, van Dijk Erik, van Noesel Carel J M, Reinten Roy J, Nagtegaal Iris D, Koopman Miriam, Punt Cornelis J A, Vermeulen Louis 2022, In: Clinical colorectal cancer. 22 , p. 67-75 9 p.

External validation of the MSKCC nomogram to estimate five-year overall survival after surgery for stage I–III colon cancer in a Dutch population

Bond Marinde J.G., Hamers Patricia A.H., Vink Geraldine R., van Grevenstein Wilhelmina M.U., Laclé Miangela M., van Smeden Maarten, Koopman Miriam, Roodhart Jeanine M.L., Punt Cornelis J.A., May Anne M. 2022, In: Acta Oncologica. 61 , p. 560-565 6 p.

Long-Term Safety Data on S-1 Administered After Previous Intolerance to Capecitabine-Containing Systemic Treatment for Metastatic Colorectal Cancer

Punt Cornelis J.A., Kwakman Johannes J.M., Mol Linda, Roodhart Jeanine, Hendriks Mathijs, Speetjens Frank, van Iersel Liselot, Trajkovic-Vidakovic Marija, Spierings Leontine, Helgason Helgi, Creemers Geert Jan, de Groot Jan Willem, van Dodewaard-de Jong Joyce, Los Maartje, Koornstra Rutger, Baars Arnold, Koopman Miriam, Vink Geraldine, 2022, In: Clinical colorectal cancer. 21 , p. 229-235 7 p.

Clinical Trial Endpoints in Metastatic Cancer:Using Individual Participant Data to Inform Future Trials Methodology

Goldberg Richard M, Adams Richard, Buyse Marc, Eng Cathy, Grothey Axel, André Thierry, Sobrero Alberto F, Lichtman Stuart M, Benson Al B, Punt Cornelis J A, Maughan Tim, Burzykowski Tomasz, Sommeijer Dirkje, Saad Everardo D, Shi Qian, Coart Elisabeth, Chibaudel Benoist, Koopman Miriam, Schmoll Hans-Joachim, Yoshino Takayuki, Taieb Julien, Tebbutt Niall C, Zalcberg John, Tabernero Josep, Van Cutsem Eric, Matheson Alastair, de Gramont Aimery 4 Dec 2021, In: Journal of the National Cancer Institute. 114 , p. 819-828 10 p.

The Prospective Dutch Colorectal Cancer (PLCRC) cohort:real-world data facilitating research and clinical care

Derksen Jeroen W G, Vink Geraldine R, Elferink Marloes A G, Roodhart Jeanine M L, Verkooijen Helena M, van Grevenstein Wilhelmina M U, Siersema Peter D, May Anne M, Koopman Miriam, Dec 2021, In: Scientific Reports. 11 , p. 1-12

Mismatch repair status in patient‐derived colorectal cancer organoids does not affect intrinsic tumor cell sensitivity to systemic therapy

Küçükköse Emre, Wensink G. Emerens, Roelse Celine M., van Schelven Susanne J., Raats Daniëlle A.E., Boj Sylvia F., Koopman Miriam, Laoukili Jamila, Roodhart Jeanine M.L., Kranenburg Onno 1 Nov 2021, In: Cancers. 13 , p. 1-12

Disease recurrence after colorectal cancer surgery in the modern era:a population-based study

Qaderi Seyed M, Galjart Boris, Verhoef Cornelis, Slooter Gerrit D, Koopman Miriam, Verhoeven Robert H A, de Wilt Johannes H W, van Erning Felice N Nov 2021, In: International Journal of Colorectal Disease. 36 , p. 2399-2410 12 p.

Work Ability in Patients With Stage I to IV Colon Cancer:Results of the Dutch Prospective Colorectal Cancer Cohort

Franken Mira D, Vink Geraldine R, van Grevenstein Wilhelmina M U, Verkooijen Helena M, Punt Cornelis J A, Koopman Miriam, May Anne M, 21 Oct 2021, In: Diseases of the Colon and Rectum. 66 , p. 50-58 9 p.

Sixty-Day Mortality of Patients With Metastatic Colorectal Cancer Randomized to Systemic Treatment vs Primary Tumor Resection Followed by Systemic Treatment:The CAIRO4 Phase 3 Randomized Clinical Trial

van der Kruijssen Dave E W, Elias Sjoerd G, Vink Geraldine R, van Rooijen Karlijn L, 't Lam-Boer Jorine, Mol Linda, Punt Cornelis J A, de Wilt Johannes H W, Koopman Miriam, 6 Oct 2021, In: JAMA Surgery. 156 , p. 1093-1101 9 p.

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