
Hoff, R.G.

Hoff, R.G.

Prof. dr. Reinier Hoff

Medische staf Anesthesiologie

BIG nr. 69027890101


De nevenactiviteiten van Hoff, R.G. zijn te vinden op de research pagina van het UMC Utrecht (in het Engels).

Aandachtsgebiedenuitklapper, klik om te openen

Opleiding & onderwijs; Neuroanesthesiologie


-Manager onderwijs Divisie Vitale Functies

-Hoogleraar Education & Training in Perioperative, Intensive and Emergency Care

Publicatiesuitklapper, klik om te openen

de Graaf J, Bolk M, Dijkstra A, van der Horst M, Hoff RG, Ten Cate O.

The Implementation of Entrustable Professional Activities in Postgraduate Medical Education in the Netherlands: Rationale, Process, and Current Status.

Acad Med. 2021 Jul 1;96(7S):S29-S35.

Kersten BJ, Salden RLTN, van Klei WA, Hoff RG, Schellekens WM.

Surging ICU capacity during the COVID-19 pandemic: Experiences from transforming a Post Anaesthesia Care Unit into a cohort ICU.

J Clin Anesth. 2020 Dec;67:110036.

Jonker G, Ochtman A, Marty AP, Kalkman CJ, Ten Cate O, Hoff RG.

Would you trust your loved ones to this trainee? Certification decisions in postgraduate anaesthesia training.

Br J Anaesth. 2020 Nov;125(5):e408-e410.

Groot F, Jonker G, Rinia M, Ten Cate O, Hoff RG.

Simulation at the Frontier of the Zone of Proximal Development: A Test in Acute Care for Inexperienced Learners.

Acad Med. 2020 Jul;95(7):1098-1105.

Hoff RG, Frenkel J, Imhof SM, Ten Cate O.

Flexibility in Postgraduate Medical Training in the Netherlands.

Acad Med. 2018 Mar;93(3S Competency-Based, Time-Variable Education in the Health Professions):S32-S36. doi: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000002078.

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