
OVERVIEW 2020 Strategic Program Cancer

In the beginning of 2020 no one could have envisioned the turmoil the world enrolled in as of March. Since then, the pandemic has had a large effect on our private lives and on the way we are used to do our research, education and care. Laboratory and clinical research in the beginning came to a nearly full stop and teaching became fully digital. During the year luckily some adjustments could be made, allowing clinical research and laboratory experiments to be resumed within measures, as was some live teaching. Given all the restrictions, it has been amazing the amount of work that is achieved, including top-notch papers, grants, PhD defenses, awards, bachelor-and master degrees, webinars etc; an illustration of the great resilience and dedication there is, even in difficult times, to support our Mission: ‘ improving the outcome of those at risk or affected with Cancer’.

We do hope you will enjoy this OVERVIEW 2020, providing you with some examples to illustrate the good work, done within our strategic program. Special attention is asked for our patient sounding board which was initiated in 2020, certainly a highlight worth mentioning. We have been very lucky with the expertise of our members as can be read from their short bio.

We look forward to 2021, a year in which we will finalize our 5-year Strategy with all the input that we gathered from our research-leaders at the meeting in last December. But most of all a year in which hopefully restrictions will loosen up and we will be able to meet and greet again as in older times.

On behalf of the Daily Board,

Prof. dr. Elsken van der Wall

Working at UMC Utrecht



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